Friday, August 30, 2013

Note to self...

Note to self: Next year, take the week before school starts OFF! Holy Moly this past week had been busy, busy, busy.

  • 3 kids
  • 3 different schools
  • 2 registrations
  • 1 orientation
  • 1 back to school picnic
  • 1 diabetes meeting
  • 1 trip to the grocery store specifically for diabetic supplies for school
  • 1 phone call to new bus driver

And that doesn't even include the back-to-school shopping, which thankfully I did weeks ago, and packing backpacks!

This week has been nuts! I feared that the beginning of the school year would have me going in circles trying to figure out which kid is supposed to be where and when. Turns out it happened the week before school has even begun.

But I made it through. Made it to each destination on time and with the correct child. That alone I consider a huge accomplishment. Now I can enjoy the last weekend before the school-year routine begins.

I had a meeting at Autumn's school with her principal, new teacher and para to go over her care plan for the year. 4 years into it these meetings and they don't stress me out anymore.

At this particular meeting I was so impressed with Autumn's principal. He has been at her school for the past 3 years. In that time I have gotten to know him well. He's a very hands-on principal. He knows all 700+ kids by name. He greets them all each morning with a high-five and says good morning to them by name. The kids adore him. The staff adores him. And the parents adore him. What really impressed me this particular time was his knowledge of diabetes and Autumn's insulin pump. He WANTS to know the in's and out's of it all and WANTS to be able to care for her also. He was telling her teacher about things that took me a year to learn and I live with it every day! I am so grateful that he is the Principal and feel so comfortable having my child at the school.

Then there's Autumn's para. If you keep up on my blog, you've read about her already. (If not, search for my Guardian Angel post). She is such an amazing person. Each year I am so thankful that she will be there to take care of Autumn. She loves her as much as I do. I am thoroughly amazed by her knowledge also. Some times I think she has better answers for Autumn's care than me or her doctors. I rely on her so much and she never disappoints. I would be a mess if she wasn't there for Autumn.

So even though this week was crazy, nutso, busy, I feel good about the start of the year. Everything is in place and I will make sure my kids get to the correct school each day!

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