If you don't know someone with Type 1 Diabetes, than my title mostly likely means nothing to you. In the diabetic world it is THE number. The one we parents of TID kids stress about. This number tells if you're doing a good job taking care of your child or not.
Our Endocrinologists office uses a traffic light chart for this number:
Green light = where you want to be
Yellow light = not bad, but really want you in the green
Red light = not good
In mommy language these lights mean:
Green light = Great job! You're doing things correctly
Yellow light = Not so great, we really need to be in that green light area
Red light = You suck! You're doing a terrible job
The doctors (hopefully) would never use mommy language, but us moms are thinking it and guessing the doctors are thinking it also.
Autumn goes to a doctor through Children's Hospital. She is a nice lady, but she's tough. She only praises when totally justified. The first couple visits with her I felt like she was picking on me and nit-picking every negative thing. I remember that first visit when she couldn't find anything negative to say. I was one proud mamma. Now I just take her for what she is. She doesn't have diabetes, so what she knows is through her patients and learning. There are a lot of things you cannot learn about this in a text book.
Autumn's nurses and nutritionist, on the other hand, are all T1D. They get it. They are the people I turn to when I really want to know what to do. They live it so they understand a little better.
7.9 is a green light number, so our appointment went well. I'm apparently doing something right.
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