Diabetes is all about numbers. One of the biggest challenges is not getting all hung up on them. I'm learning to take one number at a time and do what is needed with that number.
Here is what today brought:
7:45am - 2:00pm (the number of hours the other numbers are based on)
11 (the number of times she had to poke her finger to check her sugar)
521 (the highest blood sugar reading this morning)
456, 458, 493, 443, 393, 333, 290, 434, 335, 255 (the other blood sugar readings)
90-150 (what her blood sugar should be at)
5 (the number of times she threw up due to high blood sugar)
2 (the number of bottles of water I convinced her to drink)
2 ( the number of movies we watched while she was feeling extrememly miserable)
Our day started with Autumn throwing up. With a diabetic you have to figure out the reason for this. Is she sick? Is her sugar high? Is her pump working? Did we forget to calculate some carbs? For a couple hours it's a guessing game.
Her sugar was high. Could be the pump. Or she could be sick. I wasn't confident about her site change that happened last night so I decided the first plan of action was to change the site to her pump. Than check sugar and give insulin every 20-30 minutes.
Around noonish she started to feel better. Some color returned to her cheeks and she was hungry. Sugar is still on the high side so we decided on a protein lunch. Scrambled eggs, milk and yogurt.
After lunch we hooked up the wii and got the Just Dance games out. Autumn was dancing her little heart out. In between songs I would say to her "Drink your water and get your groove on." Water is a must with high sugar and it always presents a challenge to get her to drink enough. Activity will also help get that sugar down.
Water and Groovin' that's the plan for today.
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