It's been WEEKS since I've had a nice long conversation with my BFF. I was thinking this weekend if I could just have 5 minutes to give her a call, I would be so happy. But than after a little more thought I realized that 5 minutes wouldn't be nearly long enough. I'm thinking we need a good 2 hour chunk (minimum) to at least TRY to get caught up.
We have kept up somewhat on Facebook, texting and emails. But it's just not the same as a nice long chat. A phone call would be acceptable at this point. An afternoon with just the 2 of us would be pure heaven.
My kids are very rarely without friends when they're out of school. And they're socializing all day in school. I admit, I'm a little jealous. When did it happen that my friends had to be pushed to the side so I could make sure my kids had time with their friends? As they get older it gets both harder and easier. Harder because I have to carpool them around everywhere and keep an eye on them to make sure nothing inappropriate is happening while in my care. Easier because they only need me to drive and feed them when they're with friends.
I would like to set a goal of a couple hours a week devoted to just her and I, but reality is...we are both moms first. And we are GOOD moms, so we put our kids first.
I have faith that I will get that conversation soon. I know she is missing me as I am missing her.
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