Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Blog, blog, blog

If you are on FaceBook, Twitter or one of the many sites where you post things, you've probably felt like I often feel...everything turns into a post in your mind.

Someone can cut me off on the road and I'm mentally composing a post about it. While I don't post everything, I think about posting most of it. I'm pretty active on Facebook. Sometimes I wonder if people are really interested in what I have to say. Writing this blog in another outlet for me. Where I can go into more detail and share an entire story instead of one simple event. If you start reading it and don't find it interesting, you can simply move on. For me this is a form of therapy.

I've never thought about being a writer, but I always envied those who could. If I had an entire week to myself I would most likely spend it reading and being creative. My 2 favorite things to do. I'm always amazed that authors can write a book and turn around and write another one. It's a real talent.

I follow a couple blogs. They are moms like me who post mostly about daily events, their family and their feelings. I live for those blogs. I get that email letting me know they've added a post and I can't wait to snuggle up with my computer and read what they have to say.

One of the blogs is a friend of a friend who I have met, but don't really know. It's fun to read about the challenges she faces in her day to day life. She is also close to my age and posts a lot about being in the 40-zone! If you are in that zone or have already passed it, you know what I mean. Things start changing mentally and physically. Things you are not prepared for. Good to know I'm not the only one.

The other is the wife of a guy I have known since my crazy party days. Reading this blog almost makes me feel like I am stalking him! I talk to him a couple times a week and we often have conversations about the blog. He doesn't keep up on it like I do so he's always curious to see if he's on the shit-list or not. The funny part is, she doesn't write about him often. She does however post wonderful pictures of him. Pictures in the bathroom, pictures of him sleeping. These crack me up.

Then there are a couple blogs I follow that are parents of diabetic children. These are the blogs that show me that us moms are doing the best we can. We make mistakes, we are not perfect and diabetes is a never-ending guessing game. They share things that our kids doctors would cringe at. But this is reality people. Life is not text book perfect.

Blogs to me are like books. They're telling a story. It's even more fun when the stories are about people I know. I hope one day someone will feel like that about my blog.

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