Friday, July 26, 2013

Creative Juices

I think I'm a pretty creative person. I create at work and at home. I was a Graphic Artist before people even knew what that was. I worked on a MAC computer when they first came out, way before the iphones and all the other technology Apple has since introduced.

I was a crafty kid growing up. With parents like mine it was a given. Before kids I made cards and did a little cross stitching, amongst other crafts. After kids I became obsessed with scrapbooking.

I find myself having creative blocks every now and than. At work I put the job aside and revisit it after I have time to think it over. Usually that does the trick. At home it's because of: lack of time, lack of motivation, and/or messy surroundings. The space where I created at home is normally a disaster. I don't know what it is about papercrafting, but I could have a 12 foot by 12 foot clean area and within minutes I'm working in a 2x2 area surrounded by chaos!

So when I create at home, the first step is usually cleaning up. Not always the most fun thing in the world to do.

This summer I haven't felt very creative. Maybe because I don't want to be in the house when it's so pretty outside. Maybe because my area was such a mess. Or maybe because I didn't have anything I really wanted to work on.

Than I got new product from Close To My Heart. The company I'm an independent consultant for. August 1st is the release date for our new idea book. As a consultant I get mine a month earlier and can order from it a month earlier.

This book contains a new Cricut cartridge called Artbooking. It's a MUST HAVE for scrapbookers and people who like to make mini albums.

The other night I got to cleaning, pulled out my new supplies, including Artbooking, and got to work. The creative juices were in full swing and before I knew it, it was 11:00 at night! I seriously wanted to make everything in the book.

Here is a layout I got done: (My kids were impressed that they contained pictures that were not 4 years old)

And believe me when I say, that I am the LAST person who wants to be thinking about fall, but I just couldn't resist making this layout:

Of course I had to play with the August Stamp Of The Month too! Here is the card I will be doing at gatherings in August: (And did I mention that the Stamp of the Month set is FREE in August with a $50 order???) I used the new cartridge on this too!

If you want to check out the new idea book, contact me or visit my website:
But remember...the new book isn't live to customers until August 1st.

Stay tuned for more creativeness! I'm on a roll!

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