Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I'm so ready!

The countdown until Summer break has begun. 10 1/2 school days left. And I am SOOOO ready! This morning was a perfect example of how done we are with the school year routine. No one (including me) wanted to get out of bed. There was very little conversation. We each did our thing and headed on our way.

Nights have been tricky also. Who wants to go to bed when it's still light out? Not my kids. We've been sneaking a couple extra minutes in every evening. I'm looking forward to not having to stress about it and knowing they can sleep in the next morning.

A break from packing lunches is on the top of my "Woo Hoo for Summer" list! I pack each of them a lunch every day. And for some crazy reason, I'm the mom who cannot pack it the night before. I can't stand the thought of it sitting in the refrigerator all night. It has to be freshly made/packed in the morning.

So every morning...3 lunches.
Every morning...breakfast for everyone.
Every up first getting everyone else on their way while rushing to get myself on my way.

Soon it will be...get myself up and going!

The other thing is dinner time. I grew up in a house where dinner was on the table at the exact same time EVERY night! My mom didn't tell us what time to be home, we KNEW what time because it was the same time every night. Dinner time at my house is 6ish (give or take 15 minutes), so I'm pretty good with the whole schedule thing also. And having a diabetic child I know the importance of keeping that schedule. Summer will not change me having a specific time, that time will just be a little later. And I can be a little more flexible with that time. Which means I won't have to rush home from work and throw something together quickly. Maybe I will actually cook a decent meal or two!

Spending time at the beach and in our lake is always at the top of our to-do list. We load up with snacks, drinks, toys, towels, sunscreen and spend the day laying in the sun, floating in the lake, playing in the sand...absolute heaven! I CAN WAIT for that first beach day!

Bring it on summer...I am SO ready for you!

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